Why Children?

Children Represent Our Nation’s future let’s invest in their potential today
to shape them into tomorrow’s scientists, politicians, athletes, journalists, and educators.

Children Make up Nearly Half of India's Population, at over 470 Million.

Despite making up 40% of India's population, children received only 2.46% of the 2021-22 Union Budget. This is significantly lower than the 5% of GDP recommended by the National Plan of Action for Children, which has remained stagnant at 0.43% for the past two years.

33 Millions Child
child labourers go to work instead of school - Census 2011
1 of 3 Child
brides in the world is from India - UNICEF 2014
2 of 3 Child
deaths, below the age of 5, are caused by malnutrition - UNICEF 2019

This Problem before us is a Mammoth one. But One that can be Solved within our Lifetimes.

All it needs is for each one of us to come together and do everything in our power to contribute to a sustainable solution.

The Importance Of Children’s Rights

According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which was ratified by India in 1992, all children have fundamental rights which must be recognized by governments and citizens alike. At CRY, we’re committed to doing everything we can to ensure the rights of India’s children and so, work on 4 key programmatic areas.

Children Represent our Nation's Future; Let's Invest in their Potential Today to Shape Them into Tomorrow's Scientists, Politicians, Athletes, Journalists, and Educators.

Right To Development

A quality education not only builds knowledge, capabilities, life skills and values amongst children but also develops their creative, social and emotional abilities. It is crucial for their cognitive and personal development, including critical thinking and problem-solving.We believe that every child should be able to go to school and complete their education without any discrimination based on gender, caste or socio-economic status.

Early Childhood Education

A child’s early years form the cornerstone of their future learning potential, with research indicating that 80% of a child’s brain development occurs by age 3, underscoring the critical role of early childhood education in ensuring a child’s future success.

School Readiness

Anganwadi centers are vital for preparing children for primary school by fostering essential skills, knowledge, and attitudes. Enhancing the capacity of Anganwadi workers is crucial for this mission.

Learning Outcomes

Quality education and uninterrupted access significantly impact learning outcomes. Preventing school dropouts and ensuring age-appropriate enrollment is a vital intervention focus.

Right To Survival

Proper nutrition and quality primary healthcare are essential for a child’s physical, mental and cognitive development. Timely, regular and adequate intake of essential nutrition is necessary from the time of conception itself to avoid long-term and in some cases, irreversible damage to the child’s health.

We believe that no child should suffer from malnutrition or poor health irrespective of their socio-economic background.

Our health and nutrition programs adopt a preventative and responsive approach towards reducing malnourishment as well as India’s infant mortality rate (IMR), child mortality rate (CMR) and maternal mortality rate (MMR) by connecting communities to government services, schemes and benefits.

Prenatal & Postnatal Care

Ensuring maternal health is vital for a child’s well-being. Our interventions focus on quality prenatal care, safe deliveries, and postnatal check-ups, in collaboration with government authorities, to promote healthy childbirth and breastfeeding.

Growth Monitoring

We focus on raising awareness about infant and child feeding, addressing gender discrimination, and ensuring immunization within the government healthcare system to prevent diseases, ensuring a healthier childhood.

Learning Outcomes

Early engagement in changing attitudes and behaviors regarding children’s health and nutrition, including discussions on reproductive child health (RCH) with adolescent girls and boys, fosters lasting generational change.

Right To Protection

All children are vulnerable to neglect, violence and abuse but marginalization further compounds such vulnerability. Exposure to unsafe environments can negatively impact the physical, emotional, mental and social development of the child and the damage is often permanent.

We believe that building a safe environment for all children, till the age of 18 years, is critical to protect them from abuse and exploitation.                     

Child Labour

Child labor involves hazardous work, long hours, low wages, and a loss of childhood. We aim to partner with communities to eliminate it at the village level, prioritizing children’s education over work.

Child Marriage

Child marriage, a prevalent form of exploitation in various Indian states, notably Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh, is our focus for community collaboration to ensure girls’ education and prevent early marriage.

Child Trafficking

Child trafficking entails kidnapping for exploitation, including labor, sexual exploitation, marriage, and organ trading in India. Vital intervention includes establishing village-level child protection committees.

Right To Participation

Children have a right to be heard and their opinions considered by the adults around them. Every child should have the agency to speak out and/or act on the issues that affect them. It’s not only important for their mental and emotional development but also fosters a high degree of self esteem and self belief.

We believe that all children have the potential to be agents of change and the ability to hold dialogue on the things that matter to them.

Cheerup child participation programs focus on building children’s collectives as peer support groups and engaging with the children to build their awareness on child rights issues.

Helping People Those Who in Need

  • Welcome to Charity

    Cheerup Circle is a compassionate and caring organization that is dedicated to helping those in need. They are making a positive impact on the lives of many families, and they are a valuable asset to the community.

  • How Do I Make Donation?

    You can Donate Through :

    • Online
    • By Mail
    • Mobile app
    • Workplace giving
    • Volunteer your time
  • How to become a volunteer?
    1. Visit Official SIte
    2. Fillout the form of volunteer with CV
    3. Complete required courses
    4. Commit to volunteering regularly and attend scheduled shifts or events
    5. Celebrate your contributions alongside other volunteers
  • Health in Other Countries?

    Cheerup Circle is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that provides humanitarian aid to people in need around the world. In addition to providing food, shelter, water, and education, Cheerup Circle also provides health assistance to people in developing countries.

    Cheerup Circle’s health programs focus on providing essential healthcare services to people who otherwise would not have access to care

How do You Want to help Children Today?

Your smallest contribution makes a big difference to children’s lives. We count on the generosity of people like you to be able to create real change for India’s children!

All our efforts are made possible only because of your support
Your donations are tax exempted under 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act
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